Stewart Associates Shrewsbury Ltd Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants & Business Advisors
We are a firm of Shrewsbury based Chartered Accountants situated on Shrewsbury Business Park. We have expertise tax and all forms of commercial activity.

Our philosophy is to provide a very personal service to all clients, underpinned by our attitude combined with technical ability.
We seek to add value to the client in the provision of information and in the taxation advice provided. We recognise that all clients have differing requirements and we aim to meet those needs with personal service.
We are happy to spend an hour or two talking to a potential new client without charge or commitment.
We aim to assist the development of our clients in all the traditional roles expected of an accountancy practice, accounts preparation, tax planning, tax compliance, audit, VAT and payroll for limited companies, partnerships and sole traders. We recognise it is essential to feel comfortable in your relationship with your advisors including Bank Manager, Lawyer and Accountant. It is important that you understand your business and with this in mind and also with a view to minimising the cost of accountancy we encourage you to help yourself wherever possible with our support where required.
Our firm has strong traditional links with owner managed businesses in all areas including manufacturing, recruitment, care, software development, construction, property development, professional services including contractors and personal service companies.
The story on the website provides a true insight in to the way a client relationship develops and grows with some of the experiences encountered on the way.
Although based in Shropshire, we operate nationally often through our sister companies CTS (Contractor Taxation Services Ltd) and Independent Auditors LLP.

We are members of the Business Advice Service (BAS) overseen by the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales), of the Intuit Professional Advisors Programme for QuickBooks specialists and of the Clearly Business Advisors Programme.